
Learn Adobe Illustrator CS3 from the Expert

When you start learning illustrator,especially from Adobe,you may find little bit lost. I have tried illustrator CS2, but when trying to install CS3,I found some different tools. Not only tools, but some outstanding features. One of my resources to learn more about Illustrator CS3 is istockdiary . With blog as tutorial presentation,i found many interesting and good description. You can subscribe for get this tips in email. It will help you to learn from the beginning to the next 30 days. On 30 July,they talk about Gradien Mesh. Nice tips! continue? click to istockdiary .

When you bought software from E-bay

Adobe do not confirm valid serials over the phone. Some of the 'customer services' agents have been found to confirm if a serial is _registered_ or not, which is not the same as confirm if the serial is legal or valid. Just because it activates does not mean that it is legal, or belongs to that particular product build. Amazon is reputable - a question mark hangs over some of the third party sellers on there - especially since some of them are effectively using Amazons product description of the legal product to shift illegal product. Some of the pirated versions have a hacked activation and registration system that makes it look like it is being activated or registered with Adobe when it isn't. If you use the Adobe registration system, you will get a confirmation screen that says there will be a followup email with a free bonus (font or training video) -- although the email sometimes comes months later. Do you remember getting that screen and the email offer?

How to Get Help Quickly on Adobe Program

Before you Post: * Firstly - have you really checked the 'help' option in the program? Many problems can be solved far faster by getting the answer from the Help File. * Secondly - check the Forum FAQ folder. There's advice there on many common questions and problems. * Thirdly - use the 'Knowledgebase Search' option near the top of this page. Or you can click here to go to the relevant page and enter your search words there - or just search for 'Photoshop' there to see summaries of all the relevant items. * Fourthly, try searching this forum. It may well be your question has already been asked and answered.The archives are full of useful advice. Please remember to perform a search to see if your question has previously been answered. You can click here to search. * Lastly, Check whether you are entitled to Adobe technical support - click here for a summary of support options. If you can't find the answer by any of those methods, do p...

Running AI on Vista

When you have experience with Vista, newest Operating System from Windows, you may found many problem on running Illustrator. Start from Illustrator 12, CS2 or maybe CS3. I just run Illustrator 10 on my Vista. And it just doing fine. Different when i try running CS2, some problem occurred. None of my previous files will open. You could try running illustrator in compatability mode, or just disabling the desktop thing that Vista does with all the fancy transparancies. Or for better experience, you can find "Vista issues" on Adobe Forum .

Shading on 3D Effect

If you are willing to have a nice 3d effect on your blue box (for example) you''ll see an ugly shape of your box. Is that keep happening when we use 3d effect? Surely no. You can try another trick to get better result. 1. Try using Shading. Turn it off. Or leave it on and expand the graphic. Then select what was your bright blue box and make it bright blue again. 2. Adjust lighting. You could also use the 3D effect as a tracing template and re-draw without the effect. This will give you better control over colour and appearance, but less flexibility if you want to adjust the perspective or rotation.

File format for Printing

When you decide what file format to be printed out on paper, please make sure to choose in Jpg/jpeg format. You may save gif or png on high resolution format, but when you print on paper you will find out the different. Png or gif is a web format and isn't ideal for print. Most printers will tell you no. So you better choose Jpg/jpeg format. In Illustrator you can select File -> Save for Web and in Setting box select Jpg with 70 or 80 quality.

Why the text fattens when you convert to outlines

Thomas Phinney, Program Manager Fonts & Core Technologies from Adobe Systems tell about why the text fattens when you convert to outlines. TWO things happen when you outline fonts: - loss of hinting - change in fill algorithm The loss of hinting makes certain features potentially inconsistent. For example, letter strokes that you expect to be the same width might turn out to be different widths depending on how they fall on the grid of the output device. Slight differences can get magnified unexpectedly, like rounded letters going below the baseline. This happens because the information that makes the outlines round consistently to the pixel grid has been lost. The change in the fill algorithm combines with the lack of hinting to make the letters look fatter. Font rasterizing uses a fill algorithm that turns on a pixel only when the center of the pixel is within the glyph outline (center-scan). Graphics rasterizing uses a fill algorithm that turns on a pixel when any part of the ...